Best Indoor Plants for Home or Office

Types of indoor plants for home or office settings.

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There are thousands of indoor plants dubai that one can use for indoor decoration. I’ll mention the most common and the easiest to care for.

Pothos or (Epipremnum aureum) very easy care fairy gardens plants. They will do great indoors. They are famous for being used on hanging baskets and can take bright indirect sunlight the more light and the frequent the watering the faster it grows. They can also tolerant low light which makes them ideal for dark areas. You can let them dry out before watering again. They do like well-drained soil. It is best if they are fertilized at least 3 times per year. There are two other varieties that have more foliage color. The marbled queen has quite a bit of light yellow and white on its leaves. The Golden variety is mostly green with some golden streaks through it leaves. For fairy gardens ideas you can choose air plants terrarium, succulent plants for sale, cactus house plants

Peace Lilly – or (Spathiphyllum) This easy care plant likes low light and is perfect for that dark corner. It produces a white leaf like bloom that can shoot straight up. It does grow to about 4ft tall and 4ft wide. The only difficult part of this plant is that it does like lots of water and should be watered daily throughout the summer months. It can be placed in indirect sunlight or in a very dark room. The white bloom is very colorful and starts from the middle of the plant and is actually a leaf. Fertilize at least 4-6 times per year.

Rubber Plant – or (Ficus elastica) -This plant likes low indirect sunlight. Leaves are thick and waxy kind of…like rubber! Very easy care good looking indoor plant. It does like regular watering almost daily during the hot summer months. Very attractive indoor houseplant and should be trimmed once it reaches 6ft. in height. This type of plant can grow very large but you can dwarf its size by keeping it in a smaller container. This type of plant should be used in office settings.

Indoor Cactus Plants – There are thousands of indoor cactus variety plants. Most require very little care they only need to be watered about 1-2 times per month. These plants do not like to be fertilized at all but they are susceptible to insects and diseases. Some of these indoor cactus plants can be planted outdoors if temperatures in your area never dip down below 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mother in Laws tongue or – (Sansevieria trifasciata) it is sometimes called the snake plant. It is used only as an indoor plant in the Southwest. It is very easy to grow and rarely needs any attention at all. It makes a perfect office setting plant just leave in pot and almost forget about it. It can take a lot of abuse. However it does not like freezing temperatures. It tolerates poor soils and only needs water about once per month. It does have very sharp fronds and can easily poke through a person’s skin.

There are thousands of other easy care plants but these in my opinion are very popular and can use in home of office settings.

It is important to note that most of the plants are easy care. But one should still check your plants at least once per week, look for pests, insects etc… Brown tip leaves could indicate overwatering. Be sure to isolate the plant whenever insects are present. Use a good all-purpose insect spray. Be sure the product is specifically labeled for both the pest and plant species.

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