Indoor Plants Dubai Pots

Air pollution is one of the most serious problems that we are facing. Pollutants that float in the air, like diesel soot, fly ash, wood smoke, sulfate aerosols and lead, cause detrimental effects to our health. The National Resources Defense Council estimate that more than 64,000 people in the US is dying prematurely because of heart and lung diseases caused by air pollution.

So it is understandable why most of us urbanites would want to stay in our house as much as possible. You can get healthy air if you stay inside a house that has good indoor air quality. Installing ventilation systems in your abode is one way to make sure that you will get rid of the bad air inside your home. But it is not enough. If you like to breathe fresh air every second of your stay inside your house, then you may need to put indoor plants dubai inside your house.

How Indoor Plants Will Help You

Fairy gardens plants consume unwanted carbon dioxide inside your home. But perhaps the greatest help that they do is that they absorb air pollutants that infiltrate your house. Outdoor air pollutants can still get inside your house however sealed it may be. Ventilating systems may drive some of those bad outdoor air particles, but they cannot get rid of them all. House plants online  act like sweepers that take care of extra bad outdoor air particles that might be floating inside your house.

What is the best way to grow plants indoors? Many people these days are raving about hydroponically grown indoor plants. That may be the best option if you have the funds to spare. But if you are on a tight budget, you should choose indoor plant pots from landscaping company in dubai.

Clay Indoor Plant Pots

House design experts always emphasize about putting the right things that fit in. For instance, it is not advisable that you put in some ultra-modern pot inside your traditional home. To compliment the traditional aesthetic of your indoors, choose classic clay plant pots.

Ceramic Indoor Plant Pots

One of the things that we consider when we buy stuff is durability. Of course, nobody wants to buy something that will just break up easily. Plant pots made of ceramic are among the most durable pots in the world. Even those ceramic pots made by ancient Chinese can still be seen in good condition today. But durability is not the only thing that you will get with ceramic plants. With ceramic pots you will also get to render a somewhat exquisite look inside your house.

Vinyl Indoor Plant Pots

As much as we want to purchase high-end products, we still do not want to go beyond our budget. If you do not have the funds for ceramic or clay pots, then vinyl plant pots is the best option for you. Vinyl pots do not only help your plants grow healthy, but they will also add up to the looks of your indoors if you put them in the right place.

Best Indoor Plants for Home or Office

Types of indoor plants for home or office settings.

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There are thousands of indoor plants dubai that one can use for indoor decoration. I’ll mention the most common and the easiest to care for.

Pothos or (Epipremnum aureum) very easy care fairy gardens plants. They will do great indoors. They are famous for being used on hanging baskets and can take bright indirect sunlight the more light and the frequent the watering the faster it grows. They can also tolerant low light which makes them ideal for dark areas. You can let them dry out before watering again. They do like well-drained soil. It is best if they are fertilized at least 3 times per year. There are two other varieties that have more foliage color. The marbled queen has quite a bit of light yellow and white on its leaves. The Golden variety is mostly green with some golden streaks through it leaves. For fairy gardens ideas you can choose air plants terrarium, succulent plants for sale, cactus house plants

Peace Lilly – or (Spathiphyllum) This easy care plant likes low light and is perfect for that dark corner. It produces a white leaf like bloom that can shoot straight up. It does grow to about 4ft tall and 4ft wide. The only difficult part of this plant is that it does like lots of water and should be watered daily throughout the summer months. It can be placed in indirect sunlight or in a very dark room. The white bloom is very colorful and starts from the middle of the plant and is actually a leaf. Fertilize at least 4-6 times per year.

Rubber Plant – or (Ficus elastica) -This plant likes low indirect sunlight. Leaves are thick and waxy kind of…like rubber! Very easy care good looking indoor plant. It does like regular watering almost daily during the hot summer months. Very attractive indoor houseplant and should be trimmed once it reaches 6ft. in height. This type of plant can grow very large but you can dwarf its size by keeping it in a smaller container. This type of plant should be used in office settings.

Indoor Cactus Plants – There are thousands of indoor cactus variety plants. Most require very little care they only need to be watered about 1-2 times per month. These plants do not like to be fertilized at all but they are susceptible to insects and diseases. Some of these indoor cactus plants can be planted outdoors if temperatures in your area never dip down below 30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mother in Laws tongue or – (Sansevieria trifasciata) it is sometimes called the snake plant. It is used only as an indoor plant in the Southwest. It is very easy to grow and rarely needs any attention at all. It makes a perfect office setting plant just leave in pot and almost forget about it. It can take a lot of abuse. However it does not like freezing temperatures. It tolerates poor soils and only needs water about once per month. It does have very sharp fronds and can easily poke through a person’s skin.

There are thousands of other easy care plants but these in my opinion are very popular and can use in home of office settings.

It is important to note that most of the plants are easy care. But one should still check your plants at least once per week, look for pests, insects etc… Brown tip leaves could indicate overwatering. Be sure to isolate the plant whenever insects are present. Use a good all-purpose insect spray. Be sure the product is specifically labeled for both the pest and plant species.

Cactus House Plants as Christmas Cactus

Cactus description

There are thousands of cactus house plants species all over the world, with different types of stems. Their flowers are very gay colored, appreciated mostly for their short existence.

Most of the Cactuses are thorny plants, no water lover, but being precious in full light. Therefore the cactus plants were called “children of the sun”. You can buy house plants online. Terrarium plants for sale can also be tried.

Cactus growing

During the summer, keep your cactus outside; thorny cactus loves sunshine, the cactus with few thorns has to stay in light, without sun. Put the cactus with no thorns in semi-light. As a trick, we recommend you to add in pot over the soil some small river stones which are very helpful in the hydrating and moisture process. In this case, you don’t have to water it, just maybe spray the soil.

In winter, the indoor plants Dubai have to be kept in light places with moderate temperature (10-12 degrees centigrade). The watering will be rare, maybe once in two weeks. Our advice is not to water it. Anyway, if you do it, don’t reach the plant.

Christmas cactus

Being Christmas, we’ll tell you about a special cactus species. Its scientific name is Epithelium, Schlumbergera bridgestii, but it’s known as Christmas cactus, because it blooms in winter, more precisely since November till February.

Cactus House Plants as Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus description

This cactus represents a very special decoration for your house in Christmas, being a symbol of it. It has a variety of colors, from white to pink, orange-red, violet and yellow too. The specialists created a new color which is very popular now: the golden one. It’s important for you to know that the plant will bloom only if you don’t remove it even with a couple of months before the flowering period. This is way it’s popularly called “Don’t disturb me”. The Christmas cactus has wide vaulted stems with the aspect of well-knit leaves which flows and therefore you have to put it in pendent pot. They could reach over 30-45 centimeters. The leaves are the stems themselves.

Christmas cactus flowering period and growing

The Christmas plant grows well in a light without sunshine places and is flowering in Christmas, precisely, as we said before, since November till February. After the bloom, the stems-leaves will become lax following rest period till June. Once in 3-4 years we recommend you to prepare the plant for the rest, by transplanting it in a bigger pot at the end of the winter in a good potting mix, containing soil from beech leaves, peaty, river sand, some dust derived from wooden coals and small pieces of bricks. Then put the cactus in a semidarkness without watering location and keep it there for 10-15 days. During the entire resting period (that’s when the plant is no longer flowering) keep the cactus in a place with a surrounding temperature of about 12-15 degrees centigrade in a slightly moist soil which has to be dried between two watering’s. Since autumn till the flowering period fertilize it using a water-soluble or liquid fertilizer.

Christmas cactus multiplication

The cactus multiplication is possible by seeds, cuttings or grafting. So called Christmas cactus multiplies more often by cuttings, in spring or summer. Again as a trick, let in free air the cutting to heal it for a few days, then put it in sand. Keep it without watering, just spraying sometimes, in warm and light shady place.

Christmas cactus pests and Disease

When looking for signs of pests and diseases, check under the leaves of the Christmas cactus. This plant is known for having pests such as mealybugs and scale insects. Not only do pests and diseases affect the plant, but they can also spread to surrounding plants. If pests are found, wash the Christmas cactus with soapy water. When pests are too severe, discard the plant.

Colored and Charming Fairy Gardens Ideas

It is a rainy Monday morning. As I was leaving for work, I took our dog for a walk outside and to our surprise a squirrel was on the porch steps. Within seconds our setter decided to chase the squirrel, pulling on the leash, and tossing me into a muddy, sandy puddle. Time for a quick shower and change of clothes. Eventually, I was finally pulling into the driveway and arriving at work. I had to stop my car, because the site in front of me was amazing. It was as if I was entering a relaxation zone, because the lilacs in a nearby garden were in bloom. Colors of deep violet, magenta, lavender, white, pale lilac, and purple created a beautiful landscaping company in dubai. How can a similar feeling towards color be transferred to a smaller scaled fairy gardens plants?

Color is a powerful tool in any garden. When using the element of color in a miniature gardening design, remember that too much color looks chaotic and a balanced color scheme creates a pleasing effect. When designing your miniature garden, follow these basic concepts for a good design.


First of all, color can be found in flowers, foliage, accessories, pots, and hardscape. Next, find a color wheel online or purchase one at an art store and use it as a reference. Start with the primary color scheme of red, yellow, and blue. All colors begin with these three hues. Since a primary color scheme is intense, it is best to select one as the main color and the remaining three hues will be used as an accent. The main plant in the shade landscape could be a Blue Mouse Ears Plantain Lily, while the accents are the Ruby Red Spike moss and Lemon Fizz Lavender Cotton. Adding white flowers helps to separate and tone down the strength of a primary color scheme. For all color schemes, it is important to consider the plants growing requirements when it comes to sun and shade.


For a new color scheme called related or analogous, let’s begin with sun loving plants and choose another design that works well in miniature garden design. Select colors next to each other on the color wheel. For example, consider the Red Thread Joseph’s Coat combined with the Flora Plena Heron’s Bill, air plants terrarium and the Hawaii Blue Floss Flower. They share similar pigments and create little contrast, but the effect can be very elegant and restful.


If you like contrasting colors, consider selecting outdoor plants in dubai and accessories for a complementary fairy garden with colors that fall directly across from one another on the color wheel. This is an adventurous color scheme. Consider a bright, lipstick red, Retro Chair with tones of green in the background. Place the chair on some white pebbles to reflect the light. The color red will “pop” in the garden.


While experimenting with colors, gardeners will find it helpful to consider the basic primary, related, and complementary color schemes. If you plan on designing a fairy garden, with more than one color scheme, use neutral colors to create a transition between the garden beds. When Monday morning comes around again, I hope that your week starts with pleasure and joy from looking at a colorful miniature garden.


Miniature Gardening offers a variety of accessories, fairies, plants, garden tools & furniture to create enchanting miniature landscapes for containers or your yard. We have the largest online selection of plants to choose from. You can use miniatures in terrariums, railroad gardens, for wedding or party favors, and at birthday events. Get inspired to create your own miniature or fairy garden.

Succulent Plants Necklace

If you are looking to make your own live succulent necklace using live succulent plants, this article will guide you through the entire process. Well, the process is pretty simple for those who have done this before and have got some experience. And, it should be a simple procedure for fashion-loving women who are creative and curious, and want their necklace to stand out. But for beginners it is going to be a bit tough and tricky as they would be dealing with miniature succulent plants for sale that are tiny and delicate.

However, the good news is that – this article has made the procedure as simple as it could be, and anyone can learn and master the process of making their own live indoor plants dubai or succulent plants necklace. So, let’s get across.

Let’s first make a list of things you need for making your necklace. The description alongside each points below covers the entire procedure, so be sure to read on the texts.

  • Mini plant – Choose your preferred house plants online i.e succulent plant/succulents/leaves/rosettes. If you are making a cactus plant necklace, be sure to choose your favorite from a range of available terrarium cactus plants.
  • Necklace chain – Select your favorite from a range of available necklace chains such as silver, bronze, silver alloy, antique bronze etc. Be sure to choose your preferred length of the chain (usual range: between 20″ and 28″)
  • Floral glue – Floral glue is the best. Other hot glues will likely be too bulky for your tiny succulents. Again, there are some floral glue brands that can be very cheap in quality and fail to hold on to the delicate succulents well and fast. So, make sure to use good quality floral glue. Oasis floral glue generally has an edge over other brands its quality and performance. It dries very fast and even a very small amount of the glue can easily hold on to the succulents. Hold the succulents in place for a minute and it’s done.
  • Empty terrarium plants for sale capsule with accessories such as media mixture – The following points cover the process of making the capsule with succulents.
  1. Wet the media mix.
  2. Roll the wet media mix to form a ball shape.
  3. Squeeze out excess moisture if any.
  4. Cut the media into 2 halves, and place each half on each half of the base.
  5. Put your plant in the middle of one half and close with the other half.
  6. Let it dry for 2-3 days.
  7. Close the capsule cover. Now, your terrarium capsule is ready.
  • Water.

Once your capsule and necklace chain are ready, attach both the parts to form your stylish and cute live succulent necklace.

This article provide you some important thing about cute live cactus plants.

Air plants Terrarium Caring and Designing

If you’re looking for an easy way to add life to your home, we are partial to the stylish option of an air plants terrarium! One of the best things about air plants is that their versatility allows them to be used to decorate in many ways within your home. They look great displayed alongside rustic driftwood, but also work well with clean, simple lines if your personal style leans more toward modern.

Likewise, there are many different routes you can go if you want to display your air plant in a terrarium. Terrariums create a sort of mini-ecosystem and can allow you to create a whole little world for your air plant.

Terrarium plants for sale comes in many shapes and sizes, just like your air plants!  Some are simple with maybe one or two air plants, while others are more complex, with a miniature ecosystem nestled inside.

Choosing the right fairy gardens plants:
First, select your terrarium vessel: glass globes that either hang or sit, mason jars, wide glass bowls, glass pitchers, and metal framed geometric terrariums. The most importan factors to keep in mind when selecting the vessel for you terrarium are:
1. Air flow: make sure you vessel allows the plants to get plenty of air circulation (we don’t recommend fully closed containers).
2. Light: you want to make sure that your terrarium doesn’t restrict the amount of light that your air plants receive. This is why glass is a great choice – but you can also use an opaque vessel as long as there is a large enough opening that the air plants are not housed in shadow.

When choosing a terrarium, think about where the best light is in your home so you know where your’e going to display it (hanging? sitting on a windowsill?), your design aesthetic, and what plants you are going to choose for your terrarium. The opening on the terrarium will help determine what plants will be able to fit – and remember that air plants, like all plants, will grow over time.

Also, when considering where to place your terrarium, consider the specific needs or your air plants – while most prefer indirect sunlight, there are some varieties that will want more light.

Need some fairy gardens ideas for decorating around the home?  If you crave variety, you can create a mixed terrarium with succulents and air plants of varying textures. Just make sure that your air plant does not get planted in soil or sit in moisture as this can cause rot. Some people like a more whimsical terrarium and may add miniature people, cars, or dinosaurs alongside their plants. Make a beach themed terrarium with a little sand, moss, some shells from your family’s vacation, and maybe a caput medusae air plant.
Change out your terrarium fillers to match the changing seasons. Find natural elements to create beautiful seasonal arrangements that you can enjoy throughout the year. In Fall, add some bright orange moss, or some pinecones to your terrarium. For Winter, keep the pinecones, and change the moss to a festive red. In Spring time or Summer, add some green moss and preserved flowers like craspedia (commonly known as billy balls) to your terrarium. Or accent your terrarium with dainty fairy lights. (Make sure the wire for your fairy lights is not copper as this is toxic to air plants!).

For a more minimalist take on a terrarium, simply place a small xero graphica or other
air plant in a globe or bowl by itself. Or place a few air plants  inside of a metal framed geometric terrarium and hang it in your home. You can also display a terrarium on your coffee table, or perhaps hanging in a group in your living room.

Caring for air plants in a terrarium: 
In addition to ensuring that your plants get plenty of light and air circulation, water is a key consideration when caring for your air plants and displaying them in a terrarium. Make sure when watering to take your plants out of your terrarium and let them dry completely before putting them back inside. You never want your plants to be sitting in or holding moisture as this can cause the plants to rot. So instead of using living moss that tends to be damp, you might use preserved moss. Any gravel, rocks, or sand in your terrarium should also be fully dry before adding plants.

What is your personal style when it comes to displaying your air plants? Do you have your air plants in a terrarium?