Adorable Miniature Fairy Gardens

Have you heard of those adorable Fairy gardens?

They’re becoming increasingly popular and more and more people love that new addition in their house or backyard.

What are Fairy Gardens?

A Fairy Garden is basically a miniature garden made of natural materials such as pebbles, wood and living plants. It’s meant to be an enchanted green scene where live tiny magical creatures such as Fairies, but also gnomes, dwarfs, elves etc. supposed to bring good luck to your home. They usually include several components like fantastical figurines, but also miniature benches, houses, pathways, bridges and rivers that create this unique small universe and give it a charming soul.

What setting for a Fairy Garden?

miniature-gardenSince the fairy gardens ideas imagined from scratch, there is an unlimited number of different types, design and themes out there! If they are placed inside the house, they more likely will be small and grown in containers garden such as pot plants, jars or glass containers. If they’re part of a backyard, there is no size limitation and other themes become possible like a woodland fairy garden plants (installed at the food of a tree) or the use of an existing water feature (mini boat, bridge, dock).

Fairy Garden Design

Once the theme is chosen, the different landscaping elements are gathered and assembled together in order to create the scaled miniature garden in a most realistic way as possible. Very often, pebbles and gravel are used in order to reflect a path or courtyard just like in real life. A different and recent decorative use for the crushed rocks and recycled coloured glass especially, that are able to suit any crazy idea for air plants terrarium. Gravel binder comes also very handy in the project, since it can be used with any stone and holds the pebbles in place. And because it let the water come through, the surrounding small living  cactus house plants can be watered without any issue!

Benefits of a Fairy Garden

Aesthetically beautiful and low maintenance, they are a great option for putting a green addition in small spaces like a small living room or a balcony. They’re perfect for children who can be educated about nature and gardening while being inventive and having a lot of fun. They are also loved by older people who love gardening but find it physically too taxing. For all, it encourages imagination and creativity and brings that magical touch in our everyday lives!

Tips to Grow Cactus at Home

Growing cactus indoors is a relatively simple process. Although, most of the cactus plants tolerate neglect, they thrive properly when given good care. These plants are mostly adapted to dry conditions. Most of the cacti varieties differ tremendously in shape, size, color and flowering habits. Although, most of these cacti are found in the desert regions, some are also observed in jungles. As much as two thousand different species of cacti are present in nature. This opens tremendous opportunities for those people, who are especially interested in growing cactus indoors. Majority of the cactus are native to Americas only. These plants normally differ in size from few inches to giants, which normally exceed the household space.

Most of the cactus plants grow at a moderate rate as houseplants. Normally, they grow only to a few inches each year. However, they can live for umpteen numbers of years. The best part of the cactus is that, it does not require excessive care. However, care needs to be taken not to supply more water to the plant. In addition, mites and insects pose a serious problem. But the main reason for people growing cactus at home is that, cactus exhibit beauty not only in their form but also in their bright colored flowers.

cactus-plantProper watering is the most important parameter in the successful growth of cactus. In addition, the soil needs to be properly drained. It is essential to water the cactus properly during the growing season from March to September. It is this period, when the cactus plants grow at a rapid rate. On the onset of winter season, these plants mainly lie dormant and do not grow. On such occasions, it is essential to keep the plant dry between watering. These are the main steps for Succulent Plants for Sale involved while growing cactus at home.

In addition, a light watering for few weeks would suffice. The succulent plants need not be filled with water. This is because water logging results in the quick rotting of the roots. Most cacti require bright sunlight. An ideal climatic condition would be, to subject these cactus house plants to direct sunlight for several hours each day. In addition, it is also recommended to supply artificial light for supplementing natural light. Normally, cactus plants prefer rich soil. However, it is always better to use commercial and packaged cactus potting soils for growing cactus at home, by combining very coarse grit or sand and peat-based potting soil.

Create Real Statement With Air Plants

Air plants are amazing and our customers often say it best. With over 500 species in the New World, air plants have something for everyone. There are tiny little Ionantha Peanuts and huge specimens of Xerographica with blooms shooting up four or five feet! There are modern and formal looking species such as Amethyst and totally unique looking plants such as Caput Medusae. Both are favorites of Meghan’s and will be part of her big day.

air plantsAir plants are even more amazing as they can be displayed in infinite ways. Like Indoor plants Dubai or Outdoor plants in Dubai. Potted plants can’t be hung upside down attached to sculptures made of stone, ceramics, wood or plastic but air plants can be displayed in any fashion. Many people make beautiful wreaths, plant sculptures and even jewelry out of them. They can be glued, wired or strapped to almost anything. I have seen the cutest little air plants attached to wine corks and displayed on refrigerators with magnets. Of course, like Meghan, many people create a real statement with their plants on their wedding day. Xerographica has become very popular as part of brides’ bouquets and as beautiful table centerpieces. Smaller air plants make wonderful boutonniers for the handsome men in the wedding party.

Fans of tillandsias sometimes go batty when their air plants start to bloom and we understand. The blooms are so spectacular almost no one can resist showing them off to their friends and family. In the past this sudden need to shout from the rooftops about your blooming plants could have put you at risk of getting arrested for disturbing the peace. Another amazing characteristic is their special way of reproducing themselves. Their life cycle includes growth, maturity, bloom and reproduction by the sudden appearance of “pups”. It is hard not to squeal with delight when you find them one morning while watering your plants. Pups start out as tiny little sprouts and quickly grow larger and larger.

We have saved the most amazing characteristic of air plants Terrarium in Dubai for last. One argument for letting them grow into a larger grouping is their bloom stage. When a dozen or more plants growing in a clump suddenly bloom it is an amazing explosion of color and flowers. Hundreds of leaves blush yellow, pink, red, purple or other colors depending on the species and beautiful and colorful flowers sprout from the center of each plant to attract hummingbirds and other pollinators.