Air Plants Terrarium are Easy to Grow

Did you know that air plants are very affordable? If you are looking for the best price to get air plants online then consider yourself lucky because this article will lead you all the way to purchasing your long awaited air plants and how to take care of them. Below are the things that you should consider when planning to buy air plants in the online market. If you also did not know that the official name of this type of plant is Tillandsia then don’t worry as we will be using both of those names in this article.

There are hundreds or maybe thousands sellers on the World Wide Web. With this, you will need to search for the most reliable and reputable websites to purchase your desired plants. You will know if the seller is reliable and reputable by checking their feedback page. Knowing when their business start is also important. At least choose a seller that has been available for five years or more. One great place to buy plant online in Dubai is

Of course, it is important to know your budget when it comes to purchasing your desired Tillandsia. Even if they are very affordable, you still want to purchase the ones that can fit in your budget. Most online Tillandsia sellers offer single and assorted packages of Tillandsia. So, if you have a good budget, then it would be best to choose an assorted package that includes your desired types.

tillandsiaThese are some of the things that you need to consider when planning to purchase house plants online. On the other hand, purchasing your desired type of Tillandsia is not the end of the line. You will need to know how to take care of them properly. Even though air plants terrarium are easy to grow, but if you don’t know the proper way of taking care of them then it’s useless. You will end up killing your air plants in no time.

Tillandsia should be taken care of properly. Knowing their needs is very important such as the light, water, temperature, etc. The majority of the Tillandsia do not last in an open field where they can have direct contact with sunlight. This is why they are known as indoor plants Dubai or house plants. The ideal light requirements are usually bright or indirect light. Also, it is very important to spray or soak your air plants terrarium with water at least 2 to 3 times a week. In addition, your air plants should be placed in a location with a temperature ranging from 50 to 90 degrees F. These are the common needs of Tillandsia in order to survive. Fertilizing them is also a good choice but you will need to know the proper procedure and schedule of fertilizing them.

Terrarium Plants are Best for Home Decor

Building a beautiful home is everyone’s dream. Nowadays people spend more to decorate it and improve the home’s looks. Everyone wishes to make a tranquil place that extends the indoor living space and helps to achieve their own vacation spot right at home! Landscape design is a combination of nature and culture practiced by Landscape designers where innovative designs and art tradition comes first into consideration. In present-day practice, Landscape design bridges between landscape architecture and garden design. Most of the house owners prefer professional landscape designers as they know everything about the subject. Every material can be utilized effectively to its limit with the help of them. They provide contemporary internal and external spaces for residential and corporate clients. Whether opening from scratch with a brand new house or renovating the garden of an older period property, awareness and design skills are necessary to select and thoughtfully assemble the plants and landscape materials obtainable. Good observation and design skills are essential for a landscape designer. Every design must be made with the realization that the gardens themselves can be a healing place.

rhipsalis-terrariumA good landscaper understands the elements of nature and construction, and blends them accordingly. Choose an architect by his design excellence and adequate attention to detail, informed by experience of high profile projects. They must have a sound knowledge of the characteristics and qualities of materials and plants. When buying fairy gardens plants online, you must be aware of many related factors and must consider the landforms, terrain shape and elevation, or bodies of water. Even the smallest space can be altered into something that will motivate inventive thoughts. There are different types of landscape designs to choose from. Japanese designs, succulent garden designs and Zen designs are the famous ones.

Terrarium are a diverse group of plants that can be used in a lot of ways in the fairy garden ideas. Their thick fleshy foliage make them drought tolerant. Such type of design will suit to those sunny places that have low availability of water. Amazingly, many succulents moreover do well in partial shade. Some require low water conditions while others thrive in regular irrigation. As a cluster, their major necessity is well-drained soil. This is because their special geographic characteristic. Terrarium plants for sale in Dubai can be included very effectively into the perennial garden. If provided with good drainage, many succulents will grow well in an irrigated garden. Zen gardens are Chinese origin where many types of rock designs can be found. These air plant terrarium arrangements and other miniature elements are used to represent mountains.

Crassula Cactus Plants for Your Home

Crassula tetragona are drought tolerant plants look a little like pine branches with the needles sticking out the sides, or a green bottle brush. They are often used in bonsai pots to look like pine trees. In the ground, they grow up to 4 feet tall. They will branch at the tips and can be used as a low, informal hedge. Their leaves, which look like fat pine needles are about an inch long. Their color can vary from green to deep, bluish green. They can take full sun to light shade, love heat and are easy to root and grow.

Like other Crassula, these grow well in dry gardens with other succulent and cacti. As houseplants, give them up to 6 hours a day of sun. They should also do well with bright, indirect light. These perennial plants are drought tolerant and only need water once a month or so. In summer they get wide, flat sprays of flowers that make me think of Queen Anne’s Lace. Blooms are produced on the tips of their branches. Flower color can vary from white to yellow.

succulent-terrariumCrassula are easily propagated by cuttings so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a lot of plants. These plants branch at the tips and can get a little top heavy. Trim the tops to create more fairy garden plants in Dubai for your Dubai landscaping. If you plant the cutting straight up, it will continue to grow that way. If you place a cutting on its side, the cutting will develop roots along the branch and form several plants. In my yard, the dog sometimes knocks off a few branches here and there. Those branches take root with no help from me, thank you. So, slowly getting bigger groups of Crassula growing around the yard with no time or effort from me, cool deal.

Xeriscaping with drought tolerant succulent plants for sale in Dubai has become popular out here in the area. Crassula are growing in both full sun and shade, in heavy alkaline, clay soil. They are poking up around cactus house plants and their fluffy branches provide a nice contrast to the flat green cactus pads. They get watered once a month. They’re pretty, carefree and always look green when everything else has fried. If you think you have a brown thumb, this is the plant for you!

Indoor Plants Give Green Surrounding

It is always feels great to look at the beautiful garden. Whenever this happens, it feels like having a garden. We all dream of living in the area which is pollution free and which has lots of plants and trees in surrounding. This is the dream come true place. But if we try little then we can create a little garden. For this you all need to be geared up and love plants.

There are basically two types of plants – outdoor plants and indoor plants. They both are the way to give the dream of green surrounding a shape. The choice can be made of this according to the needs and likings of the person. The choice of outdoor plants are more as in this one has the full creativity to use. You don’t need to get stagnated with any idea. You have big field and variety of plants which you can plant. It can be green plants or flowery plants or anything which can ornate your garden. It is little difficult to maintain it but once you get the hang of it then there is no turning back.

There is the huge variety which is available for the outdoor plants in Dubai. In this you can play according to the season. They require more care as they need to be protected from many outdoor problems. It is not like that indoor plants don’t need nay care but the level is different in both type of plant. They are the good option for the people who like to grow plants as they like. Outdoor plants give space to show the creativity and imagination.

There is huge variety of fairy garden plants which you can grow in the house. You can pick up any seasonal flower or any type green decorative plant according to the season. The other benefit you get from indoor plants Dubai is that you have the space to play with. It is not stagnated to some place. You can bring changes. The outdoor gardening gives lots of facility to decorate it. You can use colorful garden pots; can even hang swings in your garden. Even, if you have enough space then you can have a small tea lounge in the garden. It is an elated feeling to have tea with loved ones in that garden which is full of fragrance of exotic flowers.

Buy Online Succulent Plants

Succulent plants are great choices for dry gardens. These plants are easy to grow in hot dry areas and also make great houseplants. One of my favorites is named crassula portulacea, commonly called Horseshoe or Spoon Jade. Recently they’ve been called Gollum Fingers because their dark green leaves look like fingers with reddish tips. These plants can take full sun to light shade. They are happy indoors or outdoors.

If you are looking to make your own live succulent necklace using live succulent plants, this article will guide you through the entire process. Well, the process is pretty simple for those who have done this before and have got some experience. And, it should be a simple procedure for fashion-loving women who are creative and curious, and want their necklace to stand out. But for beginners it is going to be a bit tough and tricky as they would be dealing with miniature succulent plants that are tiny and delicate.

cactus-succulentWater-wise succulent plants like heat and sun whether you grow them indoors or in the yard. They can take up to 6 hours of sun a day. If they develop yellow or brown spots on the leaves, it means they need a nice soak. Grown in pots they will remain small and are often used for bonsai. They will grow slowly and can be trimmed into the shape of trees. In the ground they will eventually reach a height of 4 to 5 feet tall. Older plants take on an otherworldly, gnarled look.

Here is a list of a few common succulent plants:


Aloe Vera

Jade Plant

Ponytail Palm

Bitter Aloe

Miniature Pine Trees

Medicine Aloe

Maltese Cross

All cactus species


Air plant

Molded Wax Aloe

Mother of Pearl Plant

Choose your preferred succulent plant/succulents/leaves/rosettes. If you are making a cactus plant necklace, be sure to choose your favorite from a range of available terrarium and cactus plants in Dubai. Select your favorite from a range of available necklace chains such as silver, bronze, silver alloy, antique bronze etc.

Stem and Leaves is a gardening website where you can buy plants online in Dubai and lore about succulent plants in Dubai and native plants see photos and even download plant wallpapers.