Indoor Cactus Plants for Your Home

The market in cactus house plants is booming and with very good reason. These prickly little guys are great fun, easy to keep and very attractive. So why do so many people ignore them? Many people seem to have this idea that the cactus is a prickly little plant which doesn’t really add to the style of your room. Well these people need to think again.

The first and most obvious species which is far from small, prickly and boring is the Christmas cactus. This is a beautiful plant to have around the house. It is also an easy plant to keep. This indoor plant does not like to get completely bone dry, but will only need watering every couple of weeks. If you want to encourage the plant to flower you can leave it in a cool part of the house for about two weeks, do not put it in the freezing cold. This will then flower about four to six weeks after you return it to its normal place.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetThe simplicity of the care for this plant and the prettiness make it a great holiday season gift as it is guaranteed to decorate any home. In addition to the Christmas cactus there is also an Easter version. This has a larger range of colours of bloom including yellow, pink, peach, red and white. Like its Christmas cousin, flowering is induced by the cold.

Admittedly the above two plants are slightly different from the usually cacti. But there are plenty of prickly cacti which have beautiful flowers which last a long time. The Barrel cactus is a great example of a prickly plant producing amazing flowers. The blooms are found in a large range, from striking red to a calm yellow.

Another cactus offering a pleasantly surprising bloom is the Beavertail cacti. These cactus plants in Dubai may be low to the ground, but they have larger than expected red and lavender colored flowers. The flowers will usually be about three inches, so create a beautiful plant. So rethink your image of cactus indoor plants in Dubai and you will soon realise that these are not little, prickly, unattractive, desert plants. Discover more about cacti and the difference species of cactus house plants in Dubai at Stem and Leaves.

Caring Your Indoor House Plants

Indoor house plants can be a beautiful addition to any room in your house or even your office. Plants are believed to help bring peace and ambiance to any space by keeping you in touch with nature. This alone is a good reason to surround yourself with a little of the outdoors. The fact that house plants help fight indoor pollution is a extra plus which can assist in keeping us all healthier. Since plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen; the direct opposite of what humans do; they actually clean the air.

interior-plantsYou can also use air plants in Dubai to liven up a room or for an easy decorative touch. Although foliage plants are the most common house plants you can also find some very colorful flowering plants. The placement of a beautiful flowering plant in an empty corner or entry way can make a huge difference that will amaze you. You can even take a healthy foliage only plant and place it in a decorative pot to bring some color into your space. So go ahead and place house plants all over your house. Do not forget the basement even if you do not get any natural light down there. Use special “grow” lights and get your clean air, nature and style all at the same time.

Indoor plants in Dubai are mostly tropical or sub-tropical as these are best suited for a typical home environment that has year round moderate temperature. Since most indoor plants are usually grown in glass greenhouses under conditions which are warm and humid it helps to provide them a similar environment at home. But if you can not, it is still fine as many indoor plants are highly versatile and can thrive with only basic maintenance.

In order to have healthy house plants in Dubai you do need to learn a little about each variety you select and how to take care of it. Soil, light, water, temperature, relative humidity, and fertilization are some of the things that will affect how your plant thrives. You should also need read up on how to appropriately place the plant within your indoor space and proper potting procedures. A good local nursery will also be glad to help.

Buy Flower Bulbs for Out Door Plants

Buying flower bulbs to plant and grow is an exciting experience that begins in the fall and continues through the spring. Dutch flowering bulbs are usually delivered to American ports by the month of September for fall planting. Major Dutch bulbs offerings include Dutch Amaryllis and African Amaryllis; daffodil bulbs and the famous, Tulip bulbs.

Amaryllis flower bulbs grow the showiest blooms and are pre-cooled to force fast flowering in 3 weeks after containerizing. Dutch bulb importers of Amaryllis offer a larger variety of selections and more bulbs to tempt the buyers. The African growers of Amaryllis bulbs appear to be enslaved to the Dutch Amaryllis importers distribution network, however, the African flowers that emerge on the Amaryllis stems are superior in many respects to the Dutch Amaryllis.

daffodilsDaffodil flower bulbs are important Dutch bulbs for fall planting, because of their reasonable market cost, the ease of planting, and the growing of flower stalks in the Spring in various colors of yellow, white, orange, and the rare pink daffodil. Daffodil bulbs are easy to naturalize to bloom again every year.

Tulip bulbs are a native flowering plant of Turkey, but long ago tulips were hybridized on a large commercial scale by Dutch bulb growers. The cost of Dutch tulips has not always been inexpensive to buy, but tulip buyers today still love the spring flower colors of red, pink, orange, yellow, blue, purple, white, and bi-color. Cities and government organizations anxiously buy tulip bulbs in huge numbers during winter seasons to grow in beautiful landscape displays for the Spring.

Ginger lily rhizomes grow flowers with fragile, delicate blossoms – many looking like miniature orchid flowers. The foliage of Ginger lilies is interestingly variable, growing in colors of green, yellow, maroon, and stripes of yellow or white. Interest in planting ginger lilies has surged in 20 years, because of the realization that many ginger lilies are cold hardy, surviving temperatures as cold as zero degrees F. The foliage and the flowers are pleasantly aromatic.

So it is better for you to read about best outdoor plants in Dubai before indulging in them. You can access internet for it. You can buy plants online in Dubai and get lot of information related to the outdoor plants and its maintenance. You can even read about the type of plants which can be grown in particular season. On the internet, you can have all the information related to the fertilizer as well the places from where you can but the plants easily.

Different Plants Used for Home Garden

The most common plants used for these hanging globe terrariums are air plants because they absorb what they need from the air through their leaves. In this way one doesn’t have to water them as much and this make it more convenient and less messy. Another great thing about the hanging glass terrarium is that air plants can tolerate wide range of temperature which means they can thrive during the coldest of winter or the hottest of summer.

Terrarium_plantsTerrarium plants in Dubai can be the ideal garden for small spaces, apartments, or those who don’t have the time to take care of a regular garden. The best plant for a terrarium can be found in either the succulents’ category or carnivorous group. Moss varieties are also good plants for terrariums, as moss terrarium care requires very little effort. For those who wonder is moss a plant, the answer is simple: yes, moss is a plant. A moss DIY terrarium is wonderful for anyone with a busy schedule but who still wants plants to enjoy and greenery close at hand.

Succulents plants in Dubai are good for home decor. However, they do need five to six hours of sunlight each day. Of course, they are also easy to maintain because they only need to be watered every two weeks. Succulent plants will greatly benefit from fertilizing during the summer months, approximately between May and September. You should use half of the recommended amount of fertilizer. You simply need to mix it in with water once a month.

Fairy_GardenEverything you’ve read so far can be accomplished by quite young people- making a fairy garden is a great way to spend time with your son or daughter as it really encourages their imagination and it’s a way of letting them participate in an activity often reserved for adults. This early exposure to gardening is educational- it teaches them about buying plants online in Dubai, planting, and a little bit about design- all good experience and knowledge for future life.

Once you have made one garden, you will want more, and you’ll get more creative and imaginative with the decorating. One of the great things about fairy gardens in Dubai is that, unlike a real garden, if you get bored it’s simple to tear it up and start again. It’s a whole new world.

Suggestions For Terrarium Designs

The feature of waterfalls or drip wall gives a visual presentation that increases the esthetic look of a terrarium. Essentially, it aids in maintaining increased humidity levels that are required for tending most tropical species of amphibians. Some owners observe that water elements even encourage breeding in particular species. The next paragraphs will touch on tips for making drip walls or small-scale waterfalls on your terrarium taking into account future expansion.

Before building the waterfall, make a plan of what you will do first. You can sketch the idea of your drip wall just to concretize it a little. Mull over where you want the water to flow, of course, water always seeks its own level. The elevation of the boundaries has to be considered. Drip walls are indicated for terrariums that are basically eighteen inches high. Anything below that will make it hard to do, even unrealistic.

Consider the submersible pumps that you are going to use. These can be bought in fountain pump dealers online. The specifications of your pump depend on the height of your drip wall. The unit of measure in the US being used for rating pumps is gallons per hour or GPH. The higher the GPH the more powerful is the pump.

There are ready-made water installations that can be purchased at pet shops or companies that specialize in containment supply. You can buy plants online in Dubai very easily. But they are only good for terrariums that are not permanent such as during trade shows. These look very artificial and are not advisable if your set up is not temporary.

waterfallBy placing a submerged pump inside the environment under the drainage substrate (dirt, sand, rocks, or gravel), the water element could be created. This method is the easy way, no drilling, no hiding. But the disadvantage is when the pump needs fixing, you have to take out everything, gravel, rocks, animals, and all. Remember to place a filter fiber over the pump intake so that clogging won’t occur. An alternate method to the above set up is to place a false bottom directly above the pump.

Another design is constructing a sump below or beside the terrarium to house the pump. With this set up, accessing the pump is trouble-free but you have to drill two holes for the pump tubes to go through. You have this done at glass shops for just a minimal cost. Just make sure the glass used for the terrarium plants in Dubai is not made of tempered glass, otherwise, it will shatter when drilled upon.

The last design concept is to use a canister filter. This is also located outside for easy access and removes waste particles from the water. If you are having a hard time deciding what pump specifications are best for your drip wall, contact us. We also deal in large scale pond pumps as well as solar pond pump s for your outdoor fountain needs.